Get Rid of the Garbage!

Obesity; Constipation; Diarrhoea; Food allergies; Frequent colds and flu/sinus; Insomnia;Skin disorders, acne, psoriasis; Fungal or Yeast/Candida; Menstrual problems; Bad breath; Chronic Fatigue; Depression; Bowel cancer; Arthritis; Headaches/Migraines; Backache; Irritable Bowel Syndrom; Bloating and Flatulence; Food cravings; Foul body odor

The naturopathic model is that all disease starts in the colon, so it is good practice for everyone to maintain a clean colon.
Just imagine how quickly things would get nasty if the refuse disposal operatives went on strike or your sewage outlet became blocked!
Well, the same is true of your body. Your colon effectively acts as your personal ‘septic tank’ and it needs regular emptying otherwise its contents are re-absorbed into the body in a process known as ‘auto-intoxication’.
Toxic metals will be eliminated primarily in the bile which empties into the small intestine and to prevent re-absorption you need to ensure that intestinal contents are being eliminated efficiently.
Any deposits will also prevent the efficient absorption of water which may cause diarrhoea and conversely, may form an internal ‘splint’ that prevents the efficient propelling of wastes causing constipation. Yeast and ultimately parasites can also flourish in these deposits. When the bowels are not functioning properly the other organs of excretion such at the kidneys and particularly the liver are placed under an increased strain.

Promotes weight-loss; Improved metabolic functioning; Increased energy and vitality; Improved muscle tone in the colon; Removal of hardened waste material, mucus and toxins; Restored proper pH balance to the body; Boosts the immune system; Recolonizing the colon with good bacteria; Promotes return of normal, regular bowel movement; Cleansing and purifying the blood; Reducing gas and bloating; Getting rid of Candida Yeast; Lifts depression; Clears headaches and migraines; Clears skin problems; Increases mental clarity; Promotes healthy food craving; Adds freshness and optimism!

Credit: The Health & Natural Studies of Homeopathic Medicine Center


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