A Woman's True Gift...

Giving back to this world is a woman's gift from God.
There are so many women out there that unfortunately cannot bare children. There are some that take it for granted, some are struggling to even make it for themselves let alone a family, and if you're raising them on your own (even worse). We tend to forget that God has a purpose in life for each and every child born....don't destroy his power that can be the addition to life that may change the world. Life is precious and often times we take it all for granted because we don't know who we are why we're here and what our true meaning is.
Don't feel alone, everyone goes through it but not all find God first. It's through the communication with him that we find our true selfs.
I've been lost, hurt, confused, rejected, made fun of, even molested and raped.
These are things we as women choose to hush about....and there comes a time when you question your own existence. I wanted to let any female out there that is going through something hurtful that perhaps feels there is NO hope, that we all go through pain in life but do not let the enemy take that beAutiful spirit of yours.
I know what it feels like to be ignored, misunderstood and not worth anything.
It's ALL OF THE ABOVE and much more (I'll share soon) that has made me learn the TRUE meaning and value of what God has planned for me. Throughout my journey I've realized that my glory will be and has been victorious!! 
If telling my story is what I'm supposed to do to help anyone out there ready to give up find Hope then I'll open up my chapters. 
Remember you are beautiful even if you don't hear it, don't see it right now there's a bigger plan for you. You can lose friends, family and even yourself but NEVER lose hope and faith that God will pull you through ANYTHING your in.
Sometimes we forget he even created us, I've been there....I've questioned my purpose, I've experienced loneliness at times where I had a room full of "Friends". It's an ugly feeling, and it's then when you have to draw closer to God. Because he's always watching and counting our tears. Every time you cry picture his palm catching all your tears and washing all your pain away.
There's hope, beauty, love, abundance, life, revival and restoration through faith in him.
Just Breathe
Just Believe
Just Love
Just Trust
Just God!
I hope this can help someone.
Stay strong my beautiful sisters and help your story empower someone else today.

With lots of Love,

Suanny Serpas 

#mystory #awakening #suannyserpas #GodIsGood #thebookofme #memoirs 


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