Hangover Heal..

Tough weekend? Those extra shots kicking your butt today? Feeling it bad?….
After reading this interesting article on http://health.howstuffworks.com/wellness/drugs-alcohol/hangover6.htm I couldn't help to share these interesting facts to cure that hangover nightmare.
This quick and easy (not to mention nutritious) shake recipe will have you up and running and 
beating that hangover feeling. I know the weekend got to you and you were celebrating something…
if you didn't have a reason to celebrate than your best friends bday or that peer pressure got to you 
before you can remember what your name was!….Its easy to fall into it, toasting with loved ones and you've had one too many drinks.
Whatever the reason or occasion was, if you're feeling the Damage the following day and you happen to stumble upon this post….GIVE IT A TRY or pass it down to a hungover friend!…
They'll love you for it.


Photo By: Suanny Serpas


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