The Master=God

ONCE UPON A TIME, A MASTER WAS TALKING TO A crowd of people, and his message was so wonderful that everyone felt touched by his words of love. In the crowd there was a man who had listened to every word the Master said. This man was very humble, and he had a great heart. He was so touched by the Master's words that he felt the need to invite the Master to his home.

When the Master finished speaking, the man walked through the crowd, looked into the eyes of the Master, and told him, "I know you are busy and everyone wants your attention. I know you hardly have time to even listen to my words. But my heart is so open and I feel so much love for you that I have the need to invite you to my home. I want to prepare the best meal for you. I don't expect you will accept, but I just had to let you know."

The Master looked into the man's eyes, and with the most beautiful smile he said, "Prepare everything. I will be there." Then the Master walked away.

Always be prepare for an opportunity, they are endless if you are a slave to your Art. Love your process, you will NEVER know your ability (Power-Within) Until you go out and search. I am utterly touched by this because this is the meaning of "Speaking out" "Closed mouths do not get fed". Get out of your comfort zone. Someone is always watching....HE has a clear view of all your doings. This is your only life on earth Love it, Live it leave your Essence behind. I love human connection it is So powerful. We have that power within us. We just have to dig deep and let it light the world one soul at a time. If you have an opportunity to show yourself, your creativity and your authenticity be the best YOU!

Show Em!
"DO YOU" <---The true beauty is: There is NOBODY else like YOU.

Dream and dont let go.
Clean your house for your master...(GOD) Purify and detoxify all that negativity and BE YOU.

You have the POWER IN YOU...I will always be here reminding you.

Suanny Serpas


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