Cilantro Shake=Healthy Glow

Hello Dear Boogers I mean Bloggers =P
So I have written down all the ingredients you are going to need for this shake. I have been juicing and eating raw for a month straight now. I do this often through out the year along with juice fasting, tea fasting, Raw food and lemonade Cleanses etc. There are so many ways to enhance your regimen. Now I juice because it is my way of getting my body rid of any bacterias, metals, toxins and anything that needs to GET OUT. This is good for anyone and everyone to try!
You will feel great and look even better. I tend to shed pounds really fast on this so I try to be careful so i can keep my curves. Nothing a good workout cant fix. That is why when you start a healthy life style it is NOT A DIET....Its a Life Style. Exercise and eating healthy will get you results. NOT just one without the other. This is great for your inner health and outer glow. We gotta polish our Aura ;) Being Healthy and following all my Suannism Principles is a great start...DUH! ;)
I am SO happy that most of you have been writing me messages about how they are feeling better and how they are addicted to the Cilantro shake. If you haven't done so already try it NOW!! It is very yummy and you will see that it keeps you feeling full for a long you wont want to eat junk food and unhealthy snacks anymore because you wont have the craving. I make my cilantro shake in the morning after my Hot Water and Lemon. It's a MUST! If you have been following my blog you are familiar with the Hot water with lemon benefits. Those of you that haven't...READ!
I am glad to be able to help all of you to a better, healthy, well-being LIFE*STYLE!
Cheers to all of you that are trying I congratulate you, this isn't easy but just know with patience, dedication and the WILL to change your eating habits to a healthier life style is the BEST choice you have made thus far.
I am here for you...message me on My facebook page Suanny Serpas and or here on my blog. Let me know how you are feeling and what changes you notice. Much love to you all and Blessings

I will be posting the benefits of cilantro later tonight, for now I just wanted to get this out there...There are SO many of you asking for the recipe that makes my DAY BRIGHTER!!!! THANK YOU FOR STAYING TUNED!

Suanny's Cilantro Shake

  • Pink Grapefruit
  • Cucumber
  • Cilantro
  • Lime
  • Pineapple
  • Agave Nectar or stevia
  • Vanilla Extract
  • BIG pinch of Cinnamon
  • Pinch of salt

In a blender, throw a pink peeled grapefruit, peeled cucumber, lots and lots and lots of cilantro - like half a bunch, a lime, some pineapple, agave nectar or stevia, vanilla extract, BIG pinch of cinnamon, and pinch of sea salt.


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