One Day Without Shoes

Today Around the World
Artist Gilbere Forte' Supports Today's Charity Awareness. Thank You for the Inspiration!

God Bless The Ones Who Seek & Plan for CHANGE.


Blake Mycoskie, Talks about Tom's Shoes "Day Without Shoes" Initiative & More! from stevie wilson on Vimeo.

April 5, 2011

· Why shoes? – Millions of children live without shoes, aren’t allowed to attend school and are more exposed to injury and disease. Shoes are a critical resource for health, education, and fulfilling their potential.

One for One – For every pair of TOMS shoes purchased, one pair of new shoes will be given to a child in need.

· How to help the cause and ideas on what you can do sans shoes. – Attend or throw a barefoot cocktail party! TOMS will be hosting parties around the world, but if you can’t make it to any of the locations, why not throw your own?

There will be events in Los Angeles, NYC, and all over the nation! Here is information on the local event in LA:
1. Los Angeles
TOMS Shoes HQ and TOMS Family Event, Santa Monica, CA • AM walk in Venice or Santa Monica, only for TOMS employees and family.

Please participate today and if you can take a photo of you and/or your colleagues going sans shoes today, please post it to the Toms Shoes Facebook page.

After you spend some time sans shoes, take a break and head to and buy a pair.



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