What better complements your bright lipstick better than a pearly-white smile?!
Most whitening treatments can be harsh for those with sensitive teeth and can also get a little expensive!
So what else can we do as women to make ourselves look and feel better naturally?..One powerful fruit!...strawberries.  That’s right – strawberries contain Malic acid, which acts as an astringent to remove surface discoloration on your teeth. Next time your teeth are not looking as pearly white as you want them to, give this easy DIY treatment a try:
1 strawberry
½ tablespoon baking soda

1.) Crush the strawberry to a pulp-y consistency
2.) Add in baking soda until blended
3.) Use a soft toothbrush to spread the mixture onto your teeth
4.) Leave on for 3-5 minutes 
5.) Rinse and brush thoroughly with toothpaste
6.) Floss out any stray strawberry seeds

NOTE: Apply this treatment only once a week – the acid can damage the enamel on your teeth if you overdo it. 


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